BBC Invests in 3D Streaming Startup Revolutionizing Immersive Live Gigs

Joseph Adebayo

The BBC is excited to announce that it has invested £500,000 in Condense, a start-up that organizes virtual events to create immersive gigs for broadcaster. Condense, according to the UK-based company, is the first firm to offer live streams of 3D videos in virtual spaces and has recently begun delivering these experiences to BBC audiences. The start-up made headlines by powering the BBC’s inaugural live virtual concert, with artist Sam Tompkins taking the digital stage for the debut.

What’s Happening & Why This Matters

At the heart of the partnership are plans for a virtual venue called the New Music Portal, where fans can attend interactive concerts from the comfort of their homes. Using a camera array, Condense captures artists performing live at the BBC’s iconic Maida Vale studios. The feeds are then combined into a single 3D video using algorithms and streamed to the virtual venue.

The venue can be accessed via a web browser on a smartphone or laptop. Attendees can explore the virtual world through their avatars, watch gigs from any angle, chat with other fans, share emotes, dance, and even interact with the artist as they perform. The BBC, along with Condense, has high hopes for these experiences and has planned regular immersive gigs on BBC Radio 1’s New Music Show with performances from a variety of artists this summer.

Investing in Condense gives the BBC an opportunity to lead a revolution in virtual experiences. According to the broadcaster, the funding will benefit the BBC in Condense’s growth and will engage young people. Additionally, the BBC aims to shape the future of content creation and explore opportunities in fields such as sports, education, and news. Fellingham, the CEO and co-founder of Condense, expressed optimism about the future, asserting that users can actively contribute to the broadcasting experience.

TF Summary: What’s Next

Condense is preparing to venture into virtual arenas like Meta Quest and Apple Vision Pro. Fellingham is confident that live-streamed 3D video has the potential to be the “killer app” for spatial computing. As a next step, Condense’s Nick Fellingham is speaking at the TNW Conference on June 20-21 in Amsterdam, where he will bring the latest updates.

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By Joseph Adebayo “TF UX”
Joseph Adebayo is the user experience maestro. With a degree in Graphic Design and certification in User Experience, he has worked as a UX designer in various tech firms. Joseph's expertise lies in evaluating products not just for their technical prowess but for their usability, design, and consumer appeal. He believes that technology should be accessible, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing.
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