t/f MWC Review: Oppo Air Glass 3

Adam Carter

At Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Oppo revealed its latest device prototype — the Oppo Air Glass 3. This new device is designed to work with Oppo’s AndesGPT and can be connected to Microsoft’s Copilot via a smartphone. Oppo smartphone users will soon have the ability to connect their devices to the Copilot system.

What’s Happening & Why This Matters

The Oppo Air Glass 3 is equipped with multimodal AI technology, enabling it to process various data types such as text, images, video, and audio. This technology allows for more complex user interactions, including voice and visual capabilities. The goal is to unlock new potential in user experiences, particularly when it comes to using XR (extended reality) devices as personal smart assistants in everyday life.

Weighing just 50 grams, the Oppo Air Glass 3 is designed with advanced functionality and a lightweight design. It features a self-developed resin waveguide with a refractive index of 1.70, a display brightness uniformity of more than 50%, and a peak eye brightness of more than 1,000 nits. This ensures a comfortable wearing experience similar to regular glasses, as well as the best full-color display.

t/f Summary: What’s Next

Users can activate the AI voice assistant on the Oppo Air Glass 3 by lightly pressing the temple of the device. This allows them to perform a variety of tasks using Oppo AndesGPT through the Air Glass APP on their smartphone.  For more information on the Oppo Air Glass 3 prototype, visit the Oppo website.

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By Adam Carter “TF Enthusiast”
Adam Carter is a staff writer for TechFyle's TF Sources. He's crafted as a tech enthusiast with a background in engineering and journalism, blending technical know-how with a flair for communication. Adam holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has worked in various tech startups, giving him first-hand experience with the latest gadgets and technologies. Transitioning into tech journalism, he developed a knack for breaking down complex tech concepts into understandable insights for a broader audience.
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