Official Debian Package for Firefox 122 Now Available, Featuring Numerous Web Enhancements

Sophia Rodriguez

Firefox 122 Now Offered With Official Debian Package, Numerous Web Enhancements

Today marks the initial Mozilla Firefox feature release of 2024, presenting a considerable number of new additions in the newly-published Firefox 122.

Firefox 122 can now showcase images and descriptions for search suggestions when provided by the search engine, the line breaking rules of web content now match the Unicode standard, the local translations capability is now much better off than in prior versions, various new CSS features are supported, several security enhancements, and enabling Uneven Level Protection Forward Error Correction (ULPFEC) by default. The ULPFEC support can enhance video quality for users on spotty Internet connections when using WebRTC video services.

For Android users of Firefox, there is now support for enabling the Global Privacy Control, the ability to set the browser as the default PDF reader, and continued work on reducing user fingerprinting information from Android devices.

Also new with Firefox 122.0 is Mozilla offering an official Debian package alongside their generic Linux builds. This accompanies Mozilla’s recent introduction of a Debian APT repository for Firefox updates.

Firefox 122 builds are currently accessible from

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By Sophia Rodriguez “TF Eco-Tech”
Sophia Rodriguez is the eco-tech enthusiast of the group. With her academic background in Environmental Science, coupled with a career pivot into sustainable technology, Sophia has dedicated her life to advocating for and reviewing green tech solutions. She is passionate about how technology can be leveraged to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world and often speaks at conferences and panels on this topic.
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