AV1 Robot Helps Sick Children Attend School

Z Patel

For children who are chronically ill and unable to attend school, the physical absence from class is only part of the challenge. Isolation from friends and classmates can make the experience even harder. To address this, a Norwegian company, No Isolation, developed the AV1 robot. This innovative robot serves as the child’s eyes, ears, and voice in the classroom, allowing them to stay connected with their peers and teachers, even when they are unable to physically be present

What’s Happening & Why This Matters

No Isolation’s AV1 robot helps children who are undergoing long-term treatments, facing mental health struggles, or are physically unable to attend school. The robot, which resembles a simplified version of a human head and torso, allows the child to participate in classroom activities via a mobile app. Through this app, children can control the robot, move its head to look around, and communicate with their classmates or teachers through the robot’s built-in camera, microphone, and speaker. This technology helps students stay connected, reducing the social isolation that many sick children experience.

According to Florence Salisbury, Marketing Director at No Isolation, there are over 3,000 active AV1 units in use across 17 countries, with the majority found in the UK and Germany. Schools have the option to either rent the robots or purchase them outright. In the UK, for instance, schools can rent an AV1 for approximately £150 per month or buy one for £3,700. These costs also include service packages to ensure the robots continue functioning seamlessly.

crediT: No Isolation

Salisbury emphasized the importance of maintaining social connections during long absences. The AV1 allows children to stay engaged in social circles, with some students even having their robot accompany their friends during lunch. This connection has proven to be a lifeline, particularly for students dealing with serious medical conditions.

The robot’s success extends beyond just participation in academic activities. It fosters a sense of inclusion. In the UK, where over 19% of students were persistently absent due to illness in 2023, devices like the AV1 provide a valuable way to support their continued education and social engagement. With the added strain of re-entering classrooms post-pandemic, robots like AV1 have also helped students reintegrate into schools after long periods of remote learning.

Schools and organizations supporting children’s health, such as the Chartwell Cancer Trust, are already seeing the benefits. The Trust has a fleet of AV1 robots, which are regularly lent to children undergoing serious treatments, enabling them to continue their education even from hospital beds. However, despite the clear advantages, administrative barriers and technical challenges, such as weak Wi-Fi, can slow the adoption process.

Privacy and Training

Privacy remains a priority. AV1 does not collect personal data, and all communication between the student and classroom is encrypted. The robot’s usage is transparent, with its head lighting up when it’s active. Teachers are trained in both the technical and social aspects of using the AV1 to ensure a smooth integration into the classroom. These training efforts were further enhanced when No Isolation launched the AV1 Academy, providing additional resources for schools.

credit: NO Isolation

TF Summary: What’s Next

The AV1 robot provides an invaluable service that helps sick children remain a part of their school community. With its practical design, ease of use, and privacy features, it is beginning to gain traction in many countries. The next challenges involve tackling the technical and administrative barriers that some schools face in adopting this technology, ensuring that more children can benefit from it. As avatar robots like AV1 become readily available, more educational institutions may embrace this solution, making learning accessible to all children regardless of their health challenges or location.

— Text-to-Speech (TTS) provided by gspeech

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By Z Patel “TF AI Specialist”
Zara ‘Z’ Patel stands as a beacon of expertise in the field of digital innovation and Artificial Intelligence. Holding a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a specialization in Machine Learning, Z has worked extensively in AI research and development. Her career includes tenure at leading tech firms where she contributed to breakthrough innovations in AI applications. Z is passionate about the ethical and practical implications of AI in everyday life and is an advocate for responsible and innovative AI use.
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